Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Book of Shredder (IDW)

 The Book of Shredder

Bangerang TMNT Custom

The figures used for this unit is a customized and painted Shredder figure from IDW: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shadows of the Past.

When revealing an Order Marker on Shredder, after taking a turn with Shredder, if Shredder is unengaged, you may take a turn with one of the following that you control:
•  Up to 2 Heroes with the Foot Clan Special Power
•  1 Ninja Squad 
Any figure in the above list that is taking a turn must be within clear sight of Shredder before moving.

Shredder can attack with his normal attack at any point before, during, or after his move as long as he is on a space where he could end his movement. Shredder can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving an engagement.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, if Shredder is not destroyed by this attack, all skulls rolled count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure.

If every Army Card you control has this symbol, you may add 3 to your initiative roll. If every Army Card you control has this symbol each figure may add 1 to its move value. 

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
FOOT CLAN NINJAS : Foot Clan Bonding
As a figure with the Foot Clan Special Power Shredder may benefit from the Foot Clan Ninjas' Foot Clan Bonding Special Power.

FOOT SOLDIERS : Foot Clan Bonding
As a figure with the Foot Clan Special Power Shredder may benefit from the Foot Soldiers' Foot Clan Bonding Special Power.

FOOT CLAN SPECIAL POWER : Units with the Foot Clan Special Power
As Units with the Foot Clan Special Power the following may aid with Shredder's Foot Clan Special Power movement bonus and when rolling for initiative.

Synergy Benefits Offered
FOOT CLAN SPECIAL POWER : Units with the Foot Clan Special Power
As Units with the Foot Clan Special Power the following may benefit from Shredder's Foot Clan Special Power movement bonus and when rolling for initiative.

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