Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Book of Leonardo (IDW "Dark")

 The Book of Leonardo "Dark"

Bangerang TMNT Custom

The figures used for this unit is a 3D printed and painted Dark Leonardo figure.

Before taking a turn with Leonardo, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 1-3, he may not attack or use any other special powers for the remainder of this turn. If you roll 4-17, nothing happens. If you roll 18 or higher, he may add 2 dice to his attack for the remainder of this turn.

If Leonardo attacks an adjacent figure with his normal attack and at least one skull is rolled, he may attack an adjacent figure again. He may continue attacking adjacent figures, rolling 1 fewer attack die for each subsequent attack, until you fail to roll a skull.

Leonardo can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving an engagement.

If every Army Card you control has this symbol, you may add 3 to your initiative roll. If every Army Card you control has this symbol each figure may add 1 to its move value. 

While a figure with this symbol is on a water space, add 2 to its Defense. If a figure with this symbol starts its turn on a water space, add 1 to its movement for that turn. A figure with this symbol does not have to stop its movement when entering a water space.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
As a Mutant Hero with the Foot Clan Special Power Leonardo may benefit from Oroku Karai's Foot Mutant Creator activation bonus.

FOOT CLAN SPECIAL POWER : Units with the Foot Clan Special Power
As Units with the Foot Clan Special Power the following may aid with Leonardo's Foot Clan Special Power movement bonus and when rolling for initiative.

Synergy Benefits Offered
FOOT CLAN SPECIAL POWER : Units with the Foot Clan Special Power
As Units with the Foot Clan Special Power the following may benefit from Leonardo's Foot Clan Special Power movement bonus and when rolling for initiative.

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