Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Book of Zhk’zhr

The Book of Zhk’zhr
Bangerang Wave 6 - Reign of Power - Heroes of Braunglayde

The figure used for this unit is Swordwing from D&D: Lords of Madness.

If Zhk’zhr starts his turn unengaged and on at least one shadow or swamp water space, for this turn add 1 to Zhk’zhr’s movement and add 3 to his Attack value.

If Zhk’zhr is attacked with a normal attack and at least 1 skull is rolled, roll the 20-sided die. If Zhk’zhr is on a swamp space, add 3 to your die roll. If he is on a swamp water space, add 6 to your die roll. If you roll 1-15, roll defense dice normally. If you roll a 16 or higher, ignore all damage that would be inflicted by the attack.


When counting spaces for Zhk’zhr’s movement ignore elevations. Zhk’zhr may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Zhk’zhr starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
Synergy Benefits Offered

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