Monday, April 20, 2020

The Book of Icarian Hookmasters

The Book of Icarian Hookmasters

Bangerang Wave 6 - Reign of Power - Icarians and Rhox

The figure used for this unit are painted Kor Hookmasters from Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers.

At the start of the game, choose a Unique Dragon Hero you control. While that Dragon is in play, all Icarian Hookmasters roll one additional attack die for each Wound Marker on the chosen Dragon. There can be only one Dragon for all the Icarian Hookmasters you control. Icarian Hookmasters cannot attack their chosen Dragon.

After attacking with these Icarian Hookmasters if you damage a figure, you may remove one unrevealed Order Marker at random from that figure’s Army Card (or cards if your opponent has more than one Common Army Card for that figure). You may only remove one Order Marker per turn when using Detain.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q: How the do “Uncommon Squads” work? Is there a limit on how many I may draft into my army? Do I need a card for each one in my army? How do I tell each Feral Troll apart from the others?
A: Each Army may have any number of an Uncommon Army Card with the same name. If your army has two or more of the same Uncommon Army Card, you must keep those figures separate (that is, keep track of which figure belongs to which card). For example, if you are using two Squads of Rhox Veterans, you must clearly mark each Rhox Veteran figure and a matching Rhox Veterans Army Card so you can tell which Rhox Veteran is being activated by which Order Markers. Uncommon figures are considered to be Unique figures in every other way. See also: Army Card, Unique Figures, and Common Figures rules in the official Heroscape Master Set Rule Books.

Q: If my chosen Dragon Hero is destroyed, may the Icarian Hookmasters choose another unique Dragon hero with which to synergize?
A: Nice try. The wording on the card is "At the start of the game, choose a..." Once the chosen hero is destroyed, the Icarian Hookmasters are left without a Dragon Hero.

Q: If my chosen Dragon Hero has his mind shackled or his soul devoured, do the Icarian Hookmasters still receive their Attack bonus?
A: Yes. Similar questions have come up in the past, centered on the Macdirk Warriors. The adapted ruling from their book is "The Mindshackled hero is still the Dragon Hero for the Icarian Hookmasters." The Icarian Hookmaster may, therefore, still receive their Attack bonus from a Mindshackled/Soul-Devoured Dragon Hero.

Q: If my chosen Dragon Hero has its left-box information altered by the Werewolf Lord's LYCANTHROPY, is he still the Dragon Hero?
A: Yes. The Dragon Hero is chosen at the start of the game, and remains the Dragon Hero, even if his information is altered.

Q: If I damage 2 different figures using Detain can I remove a OM from both cards?
A: No, you can not. You can only apply Detain to one of the damaged figures cards, as you can only remove one OM per turn with Detain.
Q: If I destroy a figure in a common squad can I still use Detain to remove a OM from its card?
A: Yes, even if the figure is destroyed you can remove a OM. This is helpful against all squad figures (common, uncommon, unique) and against figures with the Rejected By Death special power too. 

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
UNIQUE LARGE/HUGE DRAGON HEROES: Dragon Loyalty - As Unique Dragon Heroes, any of the following may aid the Icarian Hookmasters with their DRAGON LOYALTY Attack Enhancements:
  • Braxas
  • Charos
  • Mimring
  • Moltenclaw
  • Nilfheim
  • Othkurik the Black Dragon
  • Tezcacoatl the Blue Dragon
  • Zelrig

  • Synergy Benefits Offered

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