Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Book of the Glyph of Narya

The Book of the Glyph of Narya
Bangerang Tolkien Custom

Glyph Bio - Narya, the Ring of Fire or Red Ring. "Take now this Ring," he said; "for thy labors and thy cares will be heavy, but in all it will support thee and defend thee from weariness. For this is the Ring of Fire, and herewith, maybe, thou shalt rekindle hearts to the valor of old in a world that grows chill" (Círdan the Shipwright to Gandalf).

-Type of Glyph-
  • Permanent Treasure Glyph: The power of a Permanent Treasure Glyph is in effect for as long as a figure is holding it.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Book of Gandalf the Grey

The Book of Gandalf the Grey
Bangerang Tolkien Custom

The figure used for this unit is Gandalf the Grey from Heroclix: Hobbit An Unexpected Journey set.

Character Bio: Gandalf the Grey was a wizard, or Istar, sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron. He joined Thorin and his company to reclaim Erebor from Smaug, convoked the Fellowship of the Ring to destroy the One Ring, and led the Free Peoples in the final campaign of the War of the Ring.

At the start of the game place the Glyph of Narya on Gandalf the Grey’s Army Card. Gandalf the Grey cannot lose the Glyph of Narya by any means unless he is destroyed. 

After Gandalf destroys an opponent’s figure with a normal or special attack, you may move Gandalf and each friendly Unique Hero within 3 clear sight spaces of him up to 4 spaces each. Figures can move this way only if they end their diversion move not adjacent to any enemy figures. Figures moved by Diversion are never attacked when leaving an engagement.

After taking a turn with Gandalf, if he is unengaged, you may reveal the ‘X’ Order Marker on Gandalf’s card to place Gandalf on this Army Card. At the beginning of a round, before placing Order Markers, if Gandalf is on this Army Card, you may place Gandalf on any empty space on the battlefield.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Book of Einar the Valkyrie General

The Book of Einar the Valkyrie General
The Valkyrie

The figures used for this unit is modded Master of the Hunt figure from the Heroscape, Wave D3 Moltenclaw's Invasion: Icewind Scourge.

When Einar attacks, he may attack one additional time. 

After moving and before attacking with Einar, you may choose any opponent’s figure within 5 clear sight spaces that is engaged with any other figure you control. Roll 20-sided die. If you roll 11 or higher, the chosen figure receives 1 wound.

When you roll attack dice for any figure that you control who follows Einar and is within 5 clear sight spaces of Einar, you may re-roll all attack dice that did not show skulls. Gift of the Emperor Aura can be used only once for each attack roll. Einar’s Gift of the Emperor Aura does not affect Einar.

When counting spaces for Einar’s movement ignore elevations. Einar may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Einar starts to fly, if he is engaged he will not take any leaving engagement attacks. 

-Rulings and Clarifications-
This rule, although optional, should always be used when playing with an Event Hero. The main thing to remember about Event Heroes is that because they are a different type of hero, they are not susceptible to powers that specify Unique or Common Heroes. 

When selecting cards to put in your Army, you cannot select two of the same Event Army Card. Event Heroes are never destroyed without first taking enough wounds to be destroyed. If a terrain rule or a special power on any Army Card, Glyph, or Destructible Object would automatically destroy an Event Hero, that terrain rule or special power instead inflicts 4 wounds on that Event Hero. Players may never take temporary or permanent control of an opponent's Event Hero. 

Event Heroes may not pick up Equipment Glyphs. Equipment Glyphs may only be equipped by Unique Heroes.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered
GIFT OF THE EMPEROR AURA : All units that follow Einar
As units that follow Einar the following may benefit from Einar's GIFT OF THE EMPEROR AURA.

SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, Einar may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Book of Demicus

The Book of Demicus
Large Expansion 2 - Might of Ullar

The figure used for this unit is a painted Male Storm Giant from Reaper bones.

Bio: Giant from Feylund that Jotun calls his “brother”.

When attacking with Demicus, all skulls rolled count for one additional hit. 

When rolling defense dice against adjacent attacking small or medium Squad figures, Demicus receives 1 additional defense die.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Demicus may benefit from Acolarh’s Ullar's Amulet movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits Offered

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Book of Major X16

The Book of Major X16
Large Expansion 2 - Might of Ullar


The figure used for this unit is a painted #133 Blitz Jade Hawk from Mechwarrior: Age of Destruction.

All small, medium, large, or huge opponent’s figures that enter or occupy a space adjacent to Major X16 may not move. Figures affected by the Cyberclaw cannot be moved by any special power on an Army Card or glyph. 

Instead of moving and attacking normally, Major X16 may Boost Jump. Boost Jump has a move of 10. When counting spaces for Major X16’s Boost Jump movement, ignore elevations. Major X16 may jump over water without stopping, jump over figures without becoming engaged, and jump over obstacles such as ruins. Major X16 may not jump more than 50 levels up or down in a single jump. If Major X16 is engaged when he starts to jump, he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an attacking figure who is not adjacent, Major X16valways adds 2 automatic shields to whatever is rolled. 

-Rulings and Clarifications-
EXTREME CYBERCLAW : Movement Using Improved Cyberclaw
Is Major X16 also stuck in the engagement because of Cyberclaw?
No. Cyberclaw only affects figures that are engaged to a Major X16. Once any opponent's figures enter a space adjacent to Major X16, they cannot move. That includes movements around X16 while still staying engaged. However, Major X16 may leave the engagement if it chooses to. On a side note; if 2 opposing sides both have figures with Improved Cyberclaw, they would lock each other down. (Hasbro FAQ)

EXTREME CYBERCLAW : Units With Disengage and Ghost Walk
Does Cyberclaw also affect a character with Ghost Walk or Disengage?
Yes. As soon as they pass onto a space adjacent to Major X16, they are locked into the engagement. No special power on an army card or glyph can get them out of the engagement. (Hasbro FAQ)

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
Synergy Benefits Offered
BLASTATRONS : Homing Device
Being a Soulborg that follows Vydar, Major X16 may aid Blastatrons with their HOMING DEVICE attack bonus.

SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, Major X16 may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Book of Alerio

The Book of Alerio
Large Expansion 2 - Might of Ullar

The figure used for this unit is a painted Griffon from Reaper bones.

Once per turn, after Alerio attacks, you may remove one unrevealed Order Marker from this card and attack again.

Alerio rolls 3 additional defense dice when defending against a normal attack from a small or medium Squad figure. 

When counting spaces for Alerio’s movement, ignore elevations. Alerio may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Alerio starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Alerio may benefit from Acolarh’s Ullar's Amulet movement bonus.

Synergy Benefits Offered

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Book of Gnarlwood

The Book of Gnarlwood
Large Expansion 2 - Might of Ullar

The figure used for this unit is a painted Spirit of the Forest from Reaper bones.

Any time you roll the 20-sided die for an Entfolk Army Card, you may add 1 to your die roll.

Before moving, roll the 20-sided die. On a 10 or higher move any adjacent Ancient Oak or single space evergreen tree up to 3 spaces. 

Gnarlwood adds 1 attack dice and 1 defense dice for every Ancient Oak and evergreen tree you control within 3 clear sight spaces of Gnarlwood, up to a maximum of +3 dice.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Gnarlwood may benefit from Acolarh’s Ullar's Amulet movement bonus.

ANCIENT OAKS : Strength of the Forest
Ancient Oaks may aid Gnarlwood with his Strength of the Forest defense bonus

Synergy Benefits Offered
The following figures may benefit from Gnarlwood's Entfolk Supremacy while rolling the 20-sided die. 

TREE HERDER : Ancient Oaks and single spaced evergreen trees
The following figures and terrain may benefit from Gnarlwood's Tree Herder special power.
  • Ancient Oak
  • Evergreen Tree (single spaced)

Terrain Benefits Received
EVERGREEN TREES : Strength of the Forest
Evergreen Trees may aid Gnarlwood with his Strength of the Forest defense bonus.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Book of Mornauguth

The Book of Mornauguth
Large Expansion 2 - Might of Ullar

The figure used for this unit is a painted #31 Dracolich from D&D War of the Dragon Queen.

Instead of attacking, you may choose up to 3 different figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Mornauguth. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure.
• If you roll a 1-11, nothing happens.
• If you roll an 12-17, the chosen figure receives 1 wound.
• If you roll a 18 or higher, the chosen figure receives 1 wound and you may remove one unrevealed Order Marker at random from that figure’s Army Card (or cards if your opponent has more than one Common Army Card for that figure).
Breath of Decay does not affect Undead, Constructs, or Destructible Objects.
When counting spaces for Mornauguth’s movement, ignore elevations. Mornauguth may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Mornauguth starts to fly, if he is engaged he will  take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
As an Undead figureMornauguth may benefit from Knight of Samuin's UNDEAD SUPREMACY Special Power.

Synergy Benefits Offered
As an Unique Lord, Mornauguth may assist an Annellintia Courser's NECROMANCY special power.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Unboxing

I finally got my copy of Magic the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers (AotP). Although I will not get a chance to play it until the end of this month or early September, but I didn't want to wait that long to open it up and take a look at all the minis.

This will be my unboxing review of the components of the the game compared to Heroscape. First, the box is much sturdier, more like a typical board game box compared to the Heroscape master sets.

Once you open the box you will find a tray insert with the miniatures, spell cards, and dice. Underneath all of that you will find the game boards, 3-space hexs, and Planeswalker and creature cards.

Here we have the back sides of the game boards, showing off the 5 different Planeswalkers. Kind of cool, but would of rather had double sided game board with different terrain print.

Here is the unpunched wall sections. More on these later.

Time to take a closer look at some of the miniatures. Here is Nissa and one of each of here squad creatures. The paint apps on the Planeswalkers isn't that great. And the clear bases are cool but I will end up painting them to match my Heroscape units. Also the Planeswalkers don't look as good as the pre-production miniatures. Nissa's ears are huge, as you can see. Over all less detail on all of the Planeswalkers. Also, you get a close up of the game board and one of the 3-space hexes.

I know it has already been shown elsewhere but I want to confirm that the hexes are compatible with Heroscape hexes, and they are.

Now to look at the figures and see how they compare to Heroscape miniatures.The AotP figures appear to be more a a "true scale" miniature, closer to the D&D Heroscape minis. Original Heroscape minis are "heroic scale" meaning their proportions are larger and more bulky. All are 28mm so not a big deal in the differences. The bases of the minis are all the same size as original Heroscape bases, which is a big plus! I hate the D&D size bases.

Now back to the walls. They are bigger then the Herosacpe walls which is nice because a lot of huge figures can actually hide behind them, as pictured below with Zelrig. They are easier to store because they come apart into 2 flat pieces. However, I still prefer the Herosacpe wall ruins because they don't eliminate spaces and stay in place better on a Heroscape map.

Comparison of the dice. Combat dice are the same size but the AotP D-20 is bigger then a standard D-20. Also, you can see the damage markers for AotP are quiet small. I can see them getting lost very quickly.

Comparison of the glyphs. Wish they have made the AotP power sides look cooler.

Card comparison, as you can see they are very similar to Heroscape cards (not the shape), without things like class or personality. Obviously I prefer the Heroscape hex shaped cards, but the long AotP cards aren't bad and the art is pretty nice too.

Once I get the time to sit down and play the game I will try to have a review of game play. I plan on customizing this to fit into Heroscape so hopefully that will be sooner rather then later.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Well there is a lot of exciting news in the world of miniatures right now.
Hasbro and Wizards have released Magic: the Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers board game. It is on my to get list, but I haven't picked it up just yet. It is based off of the Heroscape rule system. It also uses the Heroscape hex system and the figures are the same scale too. Tom Vasel at Dice Tower Games has a couple of great video reviews of it. Here are the links: review 1 and review 2. Below are a couple of pictures I found on the web showing off the game. As you can see the Planswalkers are prepainted and look to be of fair quality. 

I am excited for this as it is something that I have toyed around with doing to my Heroscape customs. Now that it has been done it should make it a little bit easier for me to customize for Heroscape. .  

Also as I mentioned last month, Heroclix will be making TMNT figures. It was also announced yesterday that IDW will be making a TMNT miniature board game! I hope they are in 28mm scale. Here is the announcement:


Today, IDW Games announced a big box Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles adventure game complete with sculpted miniatures that is going to shell shock gamers. Debuting in early 2016, the game will let players step into the roles of their favorite Turtle or ultimate villain, Shredder. Designed by Kevin Wilson with input from IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles creative team, franchise co-creator Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, and Tom Waltz, the game will be available in a standard and special limited-edition format, featuring artwork by Eastman.

“I’m so excited to participate in this game!” said TMNT co-creator, Kevin Eastman. “Working with IDW on their Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics has been amazing, and now to get the chance to go even deeper into the story and have fans play out key moments from the series for themselves is something that’s really going to blow people away.”
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past will be a scenario-driven campaign game that features story content from the hit ongoing IDW comic. Two to five players will battle their way through a series of 60-90 minute missions where players develop their characters strengths, fighting styles, and equipment along the way to create a lasting story arc. Fan-favorite characters like Casey Jones and Alopex will appear throughout the missions, as the Turtles call on their closest allies for help in battling their deadliest foes.
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has 30 years of history, and we plan on tapping into all of it with this game,” said IDW’s Director of Business Development, Jerry Bennington. “Whether you’ve been a fan since the beginning or you’re just starting to realize how special these characters are, this game is a great way to dive into the sewers and start exploring!”
Expect to see plenty of overlap between the ongoing comic and the board game as game previews and exclusive content begin to show up in the back of the hit ongoing series. Contributions from the creative staff of IDW’s hit TMNT comic will make this board game come alive in ways not seen in past adventuring games. From expansions based on different micro-series and ongoing events, to character expansions featuring IDW’s awesome line-up of heroes, mutants, and miscreants, the turtles have never been more ready for adventure!

Other exciting new is the launch of Reaper Miniatures Bones 3 Kickstarter
I am particularly interested in the Lycathopes I...perfect Leatherhead for TMNT and I plan on modding the werebear into Tora from the NES TMNT II arcade game. I am also hoping for a translucent large air elemental and angels. There are a lot of great sculpts and many more to come that would be great to use for customs. It should be fun to watch over the next 11 days.

Now to go along with the Reaper bones minis, I wanted to show off a few of them that I have finally got around to painting. First up is the Male Storm Giant: 

I painted him with standard flesh color paint as apposed to the blue/green skin storm giants have. I did this because I plan to use him as one of the two brothers of Jotun, which are mentioned in his bio.

Next is the Spirit of the Forest. This mini has so much detail! There are a lot of these that are very well painted if you do a google image search that I used for inspiration. He makes a great addition to my Entfolk.


Well I needed a big forest to go with Treant and the other Entfolk, so I final painted the 4 Dungeon Crawler Minis Animated Trees that I purchased during their last Kickstarter. Idecided that I would do multiple colors for the different seasons and such instead of just green. And if you are paying attention these will become a unit mentioned on Treant's card.

Finally, the last part of this long update. I had a figure printed from Again another Kickstarter that I backed. Heroforge creates so much customization for minis it is crazy and they are just scratching the surface of possibilities. Only down side is the high cost for each mini, but it is custom 3D printed so you can't complain too much. Here is the digital render of the mini I made: 

Here it is before painting:

He is based off of one of favorite TMNT action figures: King Lionheart. Now I just need to get him painted and a card designed and I can add him to my TMNT customs.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Book of the Glyph Crown of Volcarren

The Book of the Glyph Crown of Volcarren
Bangerang Wave 4 - Einar's Empire - Heroes of Volcarren

-Type of Glyph-
  • Permanent Treasure Glyph: The power of a Permanent Treasure Glyph is in effect for as long as a figure is holding on it.
-Rulings and Clarifications-

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Book of Haldor the Viking Warrior

The Book of Haldor the Viking Warrior
Wave 4 - Einar's Empire - Heroes of Volcarren

The figure used for this unit is a modified and painted Tarn Viking Warrior from Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie.

After moving and before attacking, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 15 or higher, you may move Haldor the Viking Warrior again.

When Haldor is destroyed, if he was destroyed by a Unique figure, place this figure on that Army Card. When a figure you control attacks the figure with Haldor’s Spirit, roll 1 additional attack die.


-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
Synergy Benefits Offered
WARRIOR’S VENGEANCE SPIRIT  : Unique Army Card that destoyed Haldor
Figures you control may benefit from Haldor's WARRIOR’S VENGEANCE SPIRIT if he is destroyed by a Unique figure.

4th MASSACHUSETTS LINE : Valiant Army Defense Bonus
Having a Valiant personality, Finn the Viking Champion may aid the 4th Massachusetts Line with their VALIANT ARMY DEFENSE BONUS 
*NOTE: See The Book of 4th Massachusetts Line for proper application.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Book of Regortar Marshtrekker

The Book of Regortar Marshtrekker
Wave 4 - Einar's Empire - Heroes of Volcarren

The figure used for this unit is a Lizardfolk Champion from Pathfinder: Heroes and Monsters.

Regortar Marshtrekker does not have to stop his movement when entering water spaces. 

If Regortar Marshtrekker is attacked with a normal attack and at least 1 skull is rolled, roll the 20-sided die. If Regortar Marshtrekker is on a swamp space, add 3 to your die roll. If he is on a swamp water space, add 6 to your die roll. If you roll 1-15, roll defense dice normally. If you roll a 16 or higher, ignore all damage that would be inflicted by the attack.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
GREENSCALE WARRIORS : Loyalty to the Lizard King and Lizard King Bonding
As a Unique Lizardfolk Hero, Regortar Marshtrekker may be chosen as a Lizard King and may benefit from Greenscale Warriors' LIZARD KING BONDING activation bonus

Synergy Benefits Offered