Monday, April 28, 2014

The Book of Treant the Woodlord

The Book of Treant the Woodlord
Large Expansion 1 -
Kee-Mo-Shi's Will

The figure used for this unit is Treant from D&D Giants of Legend.

Before moving, roll the 20-sided die. On a 10 or higher move any adjacent Ancient Oak or single space evergreen tree up to 3 spaces.
Instead of moving, choose 1 medium or small figure adjacent to Treant the Woodlord. If the chosen figure is a Squad figure, destroy it. If the chosen figure is a Hero, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 16 or higher, destroy the chosen Hero. If possible after the figure is destroyed move Treant onto the space the chosen figure occupied. Treant will not take any leaving engagement attacks when using Stomp.

Treant adds 1 attack dice and 1 defense dice for every Ancient Oak and evergreen tree you control within 3 clear sight spaces of Treant, up to a maximum of +3 dice

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Treant the Woodlord may benefit from Acolarh’s Ullar's Amulet movement bonus.

ANCIENT OAKS : Strength of the Forest
Ancient Oaks may aid Treant with his Strength of the Forest defense bonus

As an Entfolk Treant may benefit from Gnarlwood's Entfolk Supremacy while rolling the 20-sided die. 

Synergy Benefits Offered
TREE HERDER : Ancient Oaks and single spaced evergreen trees
The following figures and terrain may benefit from Treant's Tree Herder special power.
  • Ancient Oak
  • Evergreen Tree (single spaced)

Terrain Benefits Received
EVERGREEN TREES : Strength of the Forest
Evergreen Trees may aid Treant with his Strength of the Forest defense bonus.

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