Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Book of Mur'ssyraen

The Book of Mur'ssyraen 
Bangerang Wave 1 - Darkness Falling - Masters of Darkness

The figure used for this unit is a painted Drow Ranger Drizzt from the D&D Legend of Drizzt board game, or Drow Ranger Drizzt from D&D: Archfiends

For the duration of the game, for the purpose of all special abilities and special attacks, all Drow figures you control are also considered Elf figures that follow Ullar and all Arachnomancer figures you control are also considered Wizards.

Each time Mur’ssyraen attacks a small, medium, or large Hero with a normal attack or a leaving engagement attack and inflicts at least 1 wound, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-11 nothing happens. If you roll a 12 or higher, add 1 additional wound to the defending figure.

If Mur’ssyraen is on a shadow space, opponents’ figures must be adjacent to attack him with a normal attack.   

-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q. Poison Weapons vs. One-Shield Defense 
Is a figure with OSD (Migol Ironwill or Crixus) subject to Mur'ssyraen's Poison Weapons? 
A. No. For a power like Crixus & Migol's One Shield Defense, if you inflicted at least 1 wound on the initial attack roll, that's the MOST you could hit them with. You can't inflict another wound. The only way units with OSD may be poisoned is a) if they fail to roll any shields, or b) on leaving engagement attacks. (adapted from the Hasbro FAQ discussion on Sujoah's Poison Sting Special Attack).

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

ACOLARH : Leaf of the Home Tree Aura
As an Elf (due to ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE), Mur'ssyraen may benefit from Acolarh’s Leaf of the Home Tree defense bonus. 

ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Mur'ssyraen may benefit from Acolarh’s Ullar's Amulet movement bonus.

EMIRROON : Elven Summoning Spell
As an elf (due to ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE), Mur'ssyraen is subject to Emirroon's Elven Summoning Spell.

KYNTELA GWYN : Strength of Oak Aura 1
As an elf (due to ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE), Mur'ssyraen may benefit from Kyntela Gwyn's STRENGTH OF OAK AURA 1 defense bonus.

As a Drow, Mur'ssyraen may benefit from Olorisstra's LOLTH'S SUPREMACY special power when rolling the D-20.

Synergy Benefits Offered
ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE : Drow and Arachnomancers
The following may benefit from Mur'ssyraen's ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE:

ARKMER: Staff of Lerkin
As an Elf (due to ANCESTRAL ALLIANCE), Mur'ssyraen may aid Arkmer with his Staff of Lerkin defense enhancement.

PELLOTH: Lolth's Wrath Special Attack
As a Drow Mur'ssyraen may be used by Pelloth for his Lolth's Wrath Special Attack.

OTONASHI: Tricky Speed 4
Otonashi may benefit from Mur'ssyraen's tricky personality with her Tricky Speed 4.

Terrain Benefits Received 
SHADOW HEXES : Lurk In Shadows (opponent must be adjacent to attack with normal attack).

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