Friday, March 15, 2013

The Book of Kantono Daishi

The Book of Kantono Daishi
Bangerang Wave 1 - Darkness Falling - Masters of Darkness

The figure used for this unit is League Assassin #004 Heroclix Brave and the Bold.

Character Bio:
Sneaking through the dark corridors and slipping past samurai guards, Kantono Daishi is on his last mission and this time it is for revenge.
He slips quietly into the chamber of the Daimyo that he once followed and draws his dagger. Just as he pulled back his dagger to strike the sleeping Daimyo, he caught a glimpse of a sword right before it struck him; Daishi realized he is not the only ninja in this chamber. This is not the first time Daishi’s life flashed before his eyes.
In this split second Daishi recalled the last time he almost died in battle, except last time Daishi was protecting the man he was now trying to kill. Then Daishi was a noble samurai, one of the greatest in his clan, but even a great samurai can be defeated by a harquebus bullet.  Nonetheless, Daishi didn’t die from that bullet. After the battle was lost his Daimyo commanded him to commit seppuku to regain his honor.
Feeling that he had not lost his honor, Daishi refused and fled the region.
After fleeing Daishi lost his lands and samurai title; he wandered in the mountains until he meet Pang Tong warrior-Monk. Daishi renounced his Bushido code and the two developed a new theory of warfare, ninjutsu. As ninjas they could do things that no monk or samurai could do, and would accomplish any mission by whatever means necessary.
Now many of Daishi’s and Pang Tong’s students fought secretly for Daimyos, completing tasks that they could not do because of their codes of honor; and now Daishi would fall, to one of his own.
He was ready for death, but it did not come. The room was darker then before and the attacking ninja was perfectly still, frozen in the darkness with his sword to Daishi’s throat. Then Daishi saw him coming out of the shadows, a large man with black wings like a giant raven. In the darkness the man offered Daishi the ability to regain his riches, lands, title and life if he would fight for him. Daishi really had no choice as the man grabbed him by the arms and pulled him into the shadows and into another world. 

When revealing an Order Marker on Kantono Daishi, after taking a turn with Kantono Daishi, if Kantono Daishi is unengaged, you may take a turn with one of the following that you control:
•  Up to 2 Ninja Heroes
•  1 Ninja Squad
Any figure in the above list that is taking a turn must be within clear sight of Kantono Daishi before moving.

Kantono Daishi can move through all figures and is never attacked when leaving an engagement. 

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, all excess shields count as unblockable hits on the attacking figure. This power does not work against Samurai. 

-Rulings and Clarifications-
DISHONORABLE LEADERSHIP : Adjusting Figures Before Activation
Before taking a turn on Kantono Daishi's Order Marker, may I reposition figures so that they are within line of sight of Daishi, and then take a turn with them?
Yes. Hasbro's Advanced FAQ article states that on a player's turn, s/he may adjust
the positions of friendly figures. (Hasbro FAQ)

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

Synergy Benefits Offered
SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus 
Having a Disciplined personality, Kantono Daishi may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.

Any Ninja units may benefit from Kantono Daishi's, Dishonorable Leadership activation synergy. 


  1. How would I go about buying this figure and its card? Do you have an email address I could email you at, perhaps?

    1. The figure used for this custom is the League Assassin #004 from Heroclix Brave and the Bold. I would look on ebay for the figure. Then just rebase on a Heroscape base. For the card just download the image and print it on a glossy card stock. I have all of my custom cards printed at a copy shop, just make sure you size it to match official cards. Here is a PDF download for the card...already sized:
