Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Book of Grimor the Kyrie Warrior

The Book of Grimor the Kyrie Warrior
Wave 1 - Darkness Falling - Masters of Darkness

The figure used for this unit is Sorrowsworn Reaper from D&D Savage Encounters.

Grimor may attack any or all figures adjacent to him. Roll each attack separately. 

At the start of each of your turns after Grimor has been destroyed, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 19 or higher, immediately place Grimor on a space adjacent to any figure you control and remove all Wound Markers on Grimor’s Army Card.  

When counting spaces for Grimor’s movement ignore elevations. Grimor may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Grimor starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
REJECTED BY DEATH : Rolling for 'dead cards'
If I have a turn order marker on an Army Card, but every figure on the Army Card has been destroyed, can I still roll for Rejected By Death?
No. If the every figure on the Army Card is destroyed, you cannot take that turn, and Rejected By Death would never activate. (Hasbro FAQ)

REJECTED BY DEATH : Using Order Markers after Grimor is revived
If I have a turn order marker on a destroyed Grimor, but he is brought back onto the board by Rejected By Death before I would have used that Turn Order Marker, can I take that turn with him when the time comes?
Yes. The turn order markers are not removed from the cards once a figure is destroyed. If Grimor is on the board when his turn would come up (even if he was destroyed the turn before), he can take that turn. (Hasbro FAQ)


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
As a hero with the "Relentless" personality, Grimor may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's UNHOLY BONDING activation synergy. 

KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD : Relentless Assault
Having a relentless personality, Grimor may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT attack bonus. 

ATLAGA : Kyrie Leadership Being Kyrie, Grimor may benefit from Atlaga's KYRIE LEADERSHIP Movement bonus, which allows any Kyrie you control to move 1 extra space.


  1. How does rejected by death work if grimor gets Negated by Negation? Would you still be able to roll for rejected by death after he dies?

    1. Good question! And sorry for the really delayed response.

      If Grimor is negated by Morsbane's Rod of Negation he would lose all of his abilities including Rejected By Death. So, he would not be able to roll for it. But Morsbane can only negate Grimor while he is in clear sight on the game board. If Grimor has been destroyed he can continue to roll for Rejected By Death as Morsbane could not target him.

      Hope that helps!
