Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Book of The Witch King of Angmar (II)

 The Book of The Witch King of Angmar (II)

Bangerang Tolkien Custom

The figure used for this unit is #207 Ringwraith from Heroclix: Lord of the Rings Starter Set.

Character Bio: 
The Witch-king of Angmar was the leader of the Nazgûl or Ringwraiths, and Sauron's second-in-command in the Second and Third Ages. Once a king of men, he was corrupted by one of the nine Rings of Power given to the lords of men and became an undead wraith in the service of Sauron.

If The Witch King of Angmar is attacked with a normal attack by an opponent’s figure and receives enough wounds to be destroyed, roll 2 attack dice. One at a time for each skull rolled, you may inflict 1 wound on any figure that is adjacent to The Witch King of Angmar. Figures affected by Black Breath cannot roll any defense dice. After using Black Breath, remove The Witch King of Angmar from the battlefield.

When The Witch King of Angmar attacks a figure that is a Wizard the defending figure may not roll defense dice. 

After moving and before attacking with The Witch King of Angmar, you must roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1–10, he may attack normally. If you roll an 11 or higher, instead of attacking normally, it must attack each figure adjacent to him, if possible. Roll each attack separately.

You may not have more than 9 Ring Wraiths in your army.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
As Ring Wraith a The Witch King of Angmar may benefit from Sauron's SAURON'S COMMAND Special ability:

As a figure from the Kingdom of Mordor, Moria, Rhun, or Isnegard, The Witch King of Angmar may benefit from the Mouth of Sauron's Aura of Darkness Special Ability.

As a Unique Heroes from the Kingdom of Mordor, The Witch King of Angmar may benefit from the Mouth of Sauron's MORDOR COMMAND Ability.

Synergy Benefits Offered

Friday, July 5, 2024

Helm's Deep Campaign

 A few weeks ago I got together with my Brother in Law and had a massive Heroscape weekend, which included playing peterparkerh's Helm's Deep Campaign. You can find the PDF here on 

It was a ton of fun. We used my customs for Lord of the Rings and then classic Scape orcs, trolls, orges, and goblins. Some of the points were modified for our needs, but for the most part used the campaign rules. 

As with the directions on the campaign we built the map in pieces to play out each of the battles. Below are some pictures of the the maps and the starting set up:

It was a well fought and hard battle but the forces of good prevailed. Maybe in the future we will play the other Lord of the Rings campaigns made by peterparkerh or maybe make our own.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Heroscape is back...Renegade version of failed Age of Annihilation

It has been over a year since the failure of Avalon Hill's attempt to bring back Heroscape. During that time Renegade has taken over and I wasn't sure if it would actually happen, but pre-orders are up for the remix of the failed Age of Annihilation. 

I have really struggled with how I want to feel about this. I want to be excited for new scape but it just looks like Heroscape from the outside. I want to support it but, not at the price they are asking for it. There is some good things they have done but really they should have just used the terrain and basic rules to create a new game; instead of using nostalgia to sell a product.

The only positive for me is you can buy new terrain, if you need any, and I personally don't unless I find a huge amount of people to play with, host tournaments, and the time to do it all...which is not going to happen for me anytime soon. 

I mentioned this in my post from 2022 that I didn't like the direction of the story they are trying to push. These "designers" don't play Heroscape, they don't understand the lore of Heroscape, and they are just using the name as a marketing ploy. 

My biggest problems are: 

1) The introduction of  "factions". This is not needed, this is already done with the generals. I like adding additional generals, I have done it with my customs, and so have many others

2) The removal of Valkrill. I think they should have found a way to work it out with WotC to use him, instead of a new Valkyrie general that appears to replace him. 

3) Making Raelin evil again. This was done in the sort comics, I have and others have made customs of this. It doesn't make sense to do it again, and change her from having metal wings to red feathered wings. 

4) A design for a Kyrie that follows Vydar that does not match the description of the only kyrie that follows him in the lore. I could get past this but the story from the Master Set Swarm of the Marro makes it pretty clear that his kyrie pretty much all left him. 

5) The new Dragon doesn't match the aesthetics of the other dragons and just doesn't look like it belongs, I also don't really like it's vine growing ability. You could say this about most of the new figures. Also a Marro bounty hunter...doesn't align with the hive mentality. 

6) "Compatible" with original Heroscape. Again they are using the names, rules, and terrain; but this is not an extension of the original. 

 7) The cost. This is a big one. While the argument could be made that its not a bad price for the non-painted sets and cost of the painted set is crazy high. I have seen it said the the difference is only $5 per figure, which is really cheep for "hand painted by a professional person" but these will not be that. There was nothing wrong with the "paint apps" for the original Heroscape, why are the upgrading it to "premium paint apps". 

8) Card art looks cheep and unprofessional, it doesn't match the original. 

So, I guess if you want to support this go for it. But as of right now I would not call this Heroscape. 
If you like the unit designs then just do what the community has done for the past year: print your own cards and buy a proxy figure to use. 
This how I felt about it the first go around, wanted to be excited, then looked at it and was really put off.

Heroscape and the community that plays it doesn't need this. They, myself included, have continued making it for over a decade. And I would argue done a much better job. 
I may still buy it for the terrain, but if I do I will be remaking all of the cards...maybe that will help give me the spark to get back into playing, I guess we will see. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Book of Bruni

       The Book of Bruni

Bangerang Disney Custom

The figure used for this unit is Custom 3D printed and painted figure.

After moving, you must roll the 20-sided die once for each figure Bruni passed by. If you roll an 16 or higher, that figure receives 1 wound. Figures with the Lava Resistant special power are not affected by Blazing Fire 18. While moving normally Bruni is never attacked when leaving an engagement.

Bruni never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage, and it does not have to stop on molten lava spaces.

Bruni can never roll defense dice while it is on a water space.

When moving up or down levels of terrain, Bruni may triple it’s height. 

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered

Monday, December 11, 2023

The Book of Pegasus

       The Book of Pegasus

Bangerang Disney Custom

The figure used for this unit is Modified Moonstar figure from Heroclix: Fantastic Forces.

Before moving Pegasus, choose an unengaged friendly small or medium figure adjacent to Pegasus. After you move Pegasus, place the chosen figure adjacent to Pegasus.

When counting spaces for Pegasus’s movement, ignore elevations. Pegasus may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Pegasus starts to fly, if he is engaged he will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Book of Sisu

     The Book of Sisu

Bangerang Disney Custom

The figure used for this unit is Custom 3D printed and painted figure.

Start the game with 5 water tiles on this card. After revealing an Order Marker on this card, you may remove a water tile from this card and place it on either one of the spaces Sisu occupies or any empty land space within 5 spaces of Sisu, if the water tile fits normally onto that space.

If Sisu ends her normal movement on a water space, you may immediately place her on any empty water space within 5 spaces. If Sisu is engaged when she starts her Water Jump, she will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

While Sisu is on a water space, add 1 to her Attack and Defense.
If Sisu starts her turn on a water space, add 1 to her movement for that turn. Sisu does not have to stop her movement when entering a water space.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
As a Dragon Sisu may benefit from Raya's GUARDIAN OF THE DRAGON GEM Special Power.

Synergy Benefits Offered

Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Book of Raya

      The Book of Raya

Bangerang Disney Custom

The figure used for this unit is Custom 3D printed and painted figure.

Raya may add 3 to her Move as long as she is unengaged prior to moving.

After moving and before attacking with Raya, you may choose one opponent’s small or medium figure within 3 clear sight spaces whose base is no more than 6 levels above Raya’s height or 6 levels below Raya’s base. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 11 or higher, place the chosen figure on any empty same-level space adjacent to Raya and the chosen figure receives one wound. If the chosen figure is engaged when it is moved by Whip Sword, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.

After taking a turn with Raya, if she is engaged, you may immediately take a turn with one Dragon Hero you control.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered
The following may benefit from Raya's GUARDIAN OF THE DRAGON GEM Special Power: