Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Book of Renet Tilley

The Book of Renet Tilley
Bangerang TMNT Custom

The figures used for this unit is an Renet Tilley #024 figure from Heroclix: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Start the game with the Glyph of Time Scepter on this card. Renet Tilley can hold a Equipment Glyph even if there are other Equipment Glyphs on this card, up to a maximum of 2. Renet Tilley cannot lose the Glyph of Time Scepter by any means unless she is destroyed.

Once per round after taking a turn with Renet Tilley, you may immediately place her on this card and remove all Wound Markers from this card. Order Markers may still be placed and revealed on this card. Whenever you or an opponent reveals an Order Marker, if Renet Tilley is on this card and not destroyed, you may immediately remove 1 unoccupied Glyph of Temporal Displacement from the battlefield and place it on the Glyph of Time Scepter card, then place Renet Tilley on the space that the Glyph of Temporal Displacement previously occupied. When Renet Tilley uses Time Apprentice she will only take leaving engagement attacks from figures with the Temporal Defense special power.

Once per round, if Renet Tilley or any friendly figure within 3 spaces of Renet Tilley is attacked by an opponent’s figure that does not have the Temporal Defense special power, and at least 1 skull is rolled, you may reveal and remove any numbered Order Marker on this card. After removing the numbered Order Marker, the opponent’s turn immediately ends and the attacked figure receives no wounds.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 

Synergy Benefits Offered

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