Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Book of Green Wyrmling

The Book of Green Wyrmling
Wave 4 - Einar's Empire - Swashbucklers and Wyrmlings

The figure used for this unit is a modified and painted Red Wyrmling from Heroscape Warriors of Eberron - Golem and Wyrmlings.

When a Green Wyrmling is attacked by a normal attack from an adjacent small or medium figure and excess shields are rolled, the attacking figure receives 1 wound. 

After revealing an order marker on a Green Wyrmling Army Card, before taking that Green Wyrmling’s turn, you may first take a turn with one other Wyrmling you control.

When counting spaces for a Green Wyrmling’s movement ignore elevations. A Green Wyrmling may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If a Green Wyrmling is engaged it starts to fly, it will take any leaving engagement attacks. 


-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received 
WYRMLINGS : WYRMLING BONDING : As a wyrmling, the Green Wyrmling may benefit from WYRMLING BONDING Activation Synergy, listed on each wyrmling's card:

Synergy Benefits Offered
WYRMLINGS : WYRMLING BONDING : As a wyrmling, the Green Wyrmling may aid other Wyrmlings with WYRMLING BONDING Activation Synergy:

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